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How to tell the depthway stretch and lengthway stretch difference?

Do you know Fishing Net stretching method? how to tell a fishing net length way stretching and depthway stretching difference? Yangfan fishing net factory will simply help you make this clear.

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Depthway stretching also named YOKO is to vertically stretch by the depth of nets with steam setting.

Lengthway stretching also named TATE is to horizontally stretch by the length of nets with a heat setting.

nylon <a href=https://www.yangfanmesh.com/en/China-fishing-netting-manufacturer.html target='_blank'>raschel fishing net</a>.jpg

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Contact: Jason Chen

Phone: 13823571046

Tel: 86-759-3388345 / 3380397

Email: yangfanfishingnets@gmail.com

Add: No. 70-2 Renmin Ave.M.Zhanjiang GuangDong China

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