How to find a suitable and reliable china raschel knotless nets factory is very important for overseas customers,we totally understood customers concerns about if they are cooperating with a raschel knotless Fishing Nets factory or a fishing nets trading company?
Our Yangfan Mesh Factory found in 1997,focus on raschel knotless nets R&D,Production and selling all over the world.Up to now ,we have two production factory plant,if you are still confusing where to find a china raschel knotless nets factory,you are in the right place now,Yangfan will definetely be your best cooperative partner in this field!
raschel knotless nets Production Plant Factory at LongChao Zhanjiang
Yangfan raschel knotless nets production plant 2 in Potou Industry Park Zhanjiang
Contact: Jason Chen
Phone: 13823571046
Tel: 86-759-3388345 / 3380397
Add: No. 70-2 Renmin Ave.M.Zhanjiang GuangDong China